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Using local files for execution

You may want to test some of the model configurations or setups with files stored in your own computer. In order to use files, you should use the --data <name_directory> option:

$ dame run hand_v2_raster --data data_files


The setup hand_v2_raster doesn't have information about a link input-dem.

$  dame setup show hand_v2_raster                                                      
Information about the model configuration
- input-dem [.tif]: No information 
- threshold: 500
Docker Image
- Name: mintproject/hand:v2.1.0 -
Component Location
- Link:

Let's create the directory data

$ mkdir data

And download a compatible file

$ cd data
$ wget

Then, we just need to run the setup

$ dame run hand_v2_raster  --data data

DAME uses the directory named data by default.

For the setup hand_v2_raster, DAME knows that the format file must be .tif and it's going search all the tif files into the directory. If you have one file only, DAME will select it automatically.

$ dame run hand_v2_raster                         

To run this model configuration, a input-dem file (.tif file) is required.
Do you want to search the file in the directory /Users/mosorio/repos/dame_cli/data [Y/n]: y
Selected from your computer /Users/mosorio/repos/dame_cli/data/Travis-DEM-10m-HUC120902050408buf.tif
The information needed to run the model is complete, and I can execute the model as follows:

If you have multiples files. DAME will ask you to choose the correct one:

$ dame run hand_v2_raster                         

Do you want to search the file in the directory /Users/mosorio/repos/dame_cli/data [Y/n]:
[1] /Users/mosorio/repos/dame_cli/data/Travis-DEM-10m-HUC120902050408buf.tif
[2] /Users/mosorio/repos/dame_cli/data/Baro-DEM-10m-HUC120902050408buf.tif
Select the file (1, 2):