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DAME was designed to test and run the different models available for execution in MINT. We distinguish model configurations, which allow for users to select the files needed in the execution; and model configuration setups, which are already prepared with default files and parameters to run.


DAME will download the Docker images and files required for each execution. This may take a while if the files or Docker image selected have a considerable size.

DAME Commands

Type: dame --help to show the list of available commands:

Usage: dame [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -v, --verbose
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  browse               Open the Model Catalog in your browser
  configure            Configure credentials
  model-configuration  Manages model configurations
  run                  Run a model configuration or model configuration...
  setup                Manages model configuration setup
  version              Show dame-cli version.

Browse and search a Model Configuration

You can list available model configurations with the following command

$ dame model-configuration list

which will show a table such as the one below:

|               Id               |                 Description                 |
| cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection | Cycles configuration (version 0.10.2) for   |
|                                | grouped weather and soil files and exposing |
|                                | additional parameters such as weeds         |
|                                | fraction and fertilizer rate                |
| economic-v7                    | Aggregate crop supply response model        |
|                                | (version 7). Based on the Agricultural      |
|                                | Sample Survey reports (AgSS), from          |
|                                | 2009-2018 ( |
|                                | s/programs/integrated-surveys-agriculture-  |
|                                | ISA/ethiopia)                               |
|                                | The price index still comes from the World  |
|                                | Food Programme report.                      |
(rest of the table ommitted for simplicity)

To list ready to use model configuration setups, just type:

$ dame setup list

and you will be shown a table with all the setups available:

|                  Id                   |             Description              |
| topoflow_cfg_simple_Muger             | A basic configuration of the         |
|                                       | TopoFlow model calibrated for the    |
|                                       | Muger region in Ethiopia with a      |
|                                       | default precipitation file for 2008  |
| topoflow_cfg_simple_Shebelle          | A basic configuration of the         |
|                                       | TopoFlow model calibrated for the    |
|                                       | Shebelle region in Ethiopia with a   |
|                                       | default precipitation file for 2008  |
(rest of the table ommitted for simplicity)

If you prefer to explore a list of available models and their metadata, you can go to the website or type:

$ dame browse

Show details of a model configuration or setup

Model Configurations

You can show the executable details of a Model Configuration with the following command

$ dame model-configure show <ID>

For example:

dame model-configuration show cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection

Information about the model configuration
- cycles_crops: No information
- cycles_weather_soil: No information
- weed_fraction: 0.05
- use_forcing: FALSE
- end_planting_day: 149
- end_year: 2017
- start_year: 2000
- crop_name: Maize
- start_planting_day: 100
- fertilizer_rate: 0
Docker Image
- Name: mintproject/cycles:0.10.2-alpha -
Component Location
- Link:

In this case, there are inputs with no information which indicate that will have to be provided on execution.

Model Configuration Setup

Similarly, for a setup just type:

$ dame setup show <ID>

To see the executable details.

Run a Model Configuration

Open a terminal and type:

$ dame run <model id>

Where <model id> correspods to the id of the model configuration you want to run. For example, the id hand_v2_raster will prepare the execution details of the HAND model by asking for the required input file (in this case, a digital elevation model):

$ dame run hand_v2_raster

Dame response:

Information about the model configuration

- input-dem: No information

- threshold: 500

Docker Image
- Name: mintproject/hand:v2.1.0 -

Component Location
- Link:

To run this model configuration, a input-dem file (.tif file) is required.
Please enter a url for it:

DAME is requesting the input DEM required to run the model. In this example, we used:

After inserting the input, DAME displays all the details of the execution and prompts for confirmation, showing the invocation line that will be used:

The information needed to run the model is complete, and I can execute the model as follows:

Invocation commands
cd executions/hand_v2_raster_706c74de-835b-11ea-9d3d-f8f21e3c1558/hand_v2_mint_component/src
docker run mintproject/hand:v2.1.0 ./run  -i1 Awash-border_DEM_buffer.tif  -o1 distance-down.tif -o3 shape.shp -o4 geojson.json -o2 distance-down-raster.tif  -p1 500
Do you want to proceed and submit it for execution? [Y/n]:Y

When confirmed, DAME will display where to find the execution logs and execution results:

INFO     Execution hand_v2_raster running,  check the logs on executions/hand_v2_raster_706c74de-835b-11ea-9d3d-f8f21e3c1558/output.log
[hand_v2_raster] The execution has been successful
[hand_v2_raster] Results available at: executions/hand_v2_raster_706c74de-835b-11ea-9d3d-f8f21e3c1558/hand_v2_mint_component/src


DAME will currently run all parameters of a configuration or setup with their default values.

Run a Model Configuration Setup

Some model configuration setups have all input files assigned by expert users and are ready to run.

For example, the model configuration setup cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection-oromia-single-point is already prepared to execute an agriculture model in a specific region of Ethiopia. The following code snippet illustrates how DAME shows the setup information (including inputs, parameters, Docker image, etc.) and executes the model:

$ dame run cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection-oromia-single-point
Information about the model configuration

- cycles_weather_soil:
- cycles_crops:

- start_planting_day: 100
- end_year: 2017
- fertilizer_rate: 0
- crop_name: Maize
- end_planting_day: 149
- use_forcing: FALSE
- weed_fraction: 0.05
- start_year: 2000

Docker Image
- Name: mintproject/cycles:0.10.2-alpha -

Component Location
- Link:
The information of the setup is complete

Invocation Commands:
cd executions/cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection-oromia-single-point_4139f83c-835e-11ea-a111-f8f21e3c1558/cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection/src
docker run mintproject/cycles:0.10.2-alpha ./run  -i1
-i2 crops.crop  -o1 cycles_soilProfile.dat -o9 cycles_outputs.txt -o3 cycles_crop.dat -o5 cycles_season.dat -o2 cycles_som.dat -o8 cycles_water.dat -o4 cycles_nitrogen.dat -o7 cycles_weatherOutput.dat -o6 cycles_summary.dat  -p4 100 -p2 2017 -p6 0 -p3 Maize -p5 149 -p8 FALSE -p7 0.05 -p1 2000
Do you want to proceed and submit it for execution? [Y/n]:

After typing Y (for Yes), DAME shows the execution status and where to find the results:

Do you want to proceed and submit it for execution? [Y/n]:Y
root         INFO     Execution cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection-oromia-single-point running,  check the logs on executions/cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection-oromia-single-point_4139f83c-835e-11ea-a111-f8f21e3c1558/output.log
[cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection-oromia-single-point] The execution has been successful
[cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection-oromia-single-point] Results available at: executions/cycles-0.10.2-alpha-collection-oro


You can use the --non-interactive option (dame run <id> --non-interactive) if you want to directly run a model configuration setup from the command line. This will work only if all inputs have been predefined in a model configuration setup.